Little Miss Muffett

We have giant cranes that come through the back almost every day. They stand between 4 1/2 and 5 feet tall. They stick their long beaks into the ground to eat worms and bugs. They have a very loud distinctive cry. Izzy is totally fascinated by them. So when they came by this morning (we generally see them in the afternoon, so he was super excited) we went out to the pool area and watched them. Bryce loves to throw them crackers or bread crusts. I'm a tad intimidated by their long wicked very sharp looking beaks, so I prefer to stand inside the screened pool area. Izzy would be out chasing them down if he could.

Coming back into the house I noticed some black hairy legs hanging over the top of the patio door. I slid it all the way open, and giant (ok, moderately big) hairy spider popped over the top at me. Ever since I found a spider here in the Florida with the body the size of my cell phone (kid you not! It would have given Godzilla a run for his money) I have had to readjust my descriptive of a giant spider. I have a thing about spiders - there is no such thing as a good spider - they all deserve to be squashed flat, generally while I am screaming and squealing like a little girl. The damn hairy beast is in an area I can't reach a shoe, and I sure as hell don't want him jumping down on me while I try to whack him. So I'm not doing anything about him... Except keep checking on the door to be DAMN SURE he is on the outside, and doesn't find some fiendish way to get over onto my side. I know I will have spider nightmares tonight. I already have a major case of "willies".


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