oh, I have issues

Something happened this past weekend that has gotten me so livid, it has taken me this long to cool off to be able to write about it.

Some back ground 1st. When Palmer took the promotion that moved us to Orlando, he also got a raise. Just out of habit, we do not discuss financial issues with family. Especially things like salary. The moment he told his mother about the move, she began hinting around about how much he was making. Snide little comments like "You will have so much money now, that you won't know what to do with it all". Yes, Palmer makes good money. It allows us to live in a nice house (but not a grand house), it allows us to drive a nice car (but we only have one), and it allows me to stay at home with the kids (but I did work for years - and me staying home took us over a year of financial planning and cutting back - hence the one car!), and, lets not forget that we are raising 4 kids - which is not cheep! Oh yeah, and we do plan to actually retire someday! But as soon as we announced our move, she started planning her move in with us. NOT that she was invited. But all of a sudden she is now "going blind" (yet she continues to drive? I thought that for sure you couldn't drive if you were going blind) and she on the verge of dying of a heart murmur, (one that she has had all her life) and she outright TOLD us that we need to buy her a condo in Florida so she can be with us. All the while, she was bad mouthing us to her best friend, who happens to know my mother, and the best friend then proceeded to lecture MY mother on all the evils that Palmer and I do to MIL.

Oh yes, I have issues with MIL. They are many, and they are deep.

So anyway....

My MIL called Palmer on Sunday and told him "remember that TEN GRAND I loaned you - I need it back." Palmer and I were just floored. WHAT 10 grand? She said that she had 3 10K savings bonds from her mother, Palmer’s grandma. I know that was true. But she says that she cashed one and gave Palmer 5k and gave her sister, Palmers Aunt, 5k. Then a few years later, cashed one again - gave Palmer 5k, and gave Palmers Aunt the other 5. But I remember when she cashed one. She did give Palmers Aunt half, but she used the other half. Palmer and I never saw any of it, nor did we expect to. Get this... the 1st time she said she cashed one and gave Palmer the money... TWENTY FIVE years ago.

Yes, that's right.




That would make Palmer 12 when she supposedly gave him 5 grand. The second time was supposedly around 14 years ago. That would be right when Tyler was born. Well, we had just sold a car right before he was born for 20k. Why would we need to have borrowed money from her? We never have borrowed money from her. NEVER. And get this - the reason we borrowed money from her? "Dayle had gotten you into a financial hole, AGAIN".

Excuse me BITCH, you call and want money, make up some cock and bull story to get it (or maybe in her mind she really thinks we did - that is always a possibility with her) and then slander my name? All this days before she is being flown out here on OUR DIME to come visit her grand kids???

I'm sorry, you must be confusing me for the maid we don't have

That's it!

I've had it!

I'm taking the day off!

I'm gonna see if anyone notices I didn't mop their stick off the floors.

I didn't wipe their toothpaste off the bathroom sink.

I didn't tidy their beds.

And I didn't pick up after their messy selves.

There has been a little to much taking mom for granted around here. The only one exempt from the mom strike is little Izzy who loves and appreciates everything I do; and shows it with lots of drooly slopply wet kisses, and the sweeties little baby hugs.

The rest of them can fend for themselves in their dirty squalled bedrooms.


Tonight in the living room:

Bryce and Kaitlyn are laughing hysterically over (probably) nothing.
Palmer: Stop pointing and laughing at me! You're mother does that every time I'm naked!
Bryce and Kaitlyn: Even more hysterical laughing

Hot mess

Perhaps I should tell you, I am a naturally curly mop head.

When I was little, I had stunningly beautiful long blond ringlets. The kind that are glossy and bouncy, and complete strangers would come up just to touch my head, and spring my curls.

But somewhere along the way, my hair changed. It darkened to a blah brown, and my perfect ringlets became unruly, frizzy, and as I like to call it, Brillo pad head.

Add in gray hair, which we don't talk about and cover with hair dye the second they show their nasty gray heads... well - it is not pretty, let me tell you.

So now that I have added a climate with near constant humidity issues, I'm even frizzier.

Any brave hairdressers out there willing to take on a hot mess?

Chapter one, I am born

Ok, so that may be a bit of an obscure literary reference to start a blog with, but I just couldn't come up with anything else!

This isn't my 1st foray into the blogging world. It isn't even my second! But I just can't find myself staying away from writing the little things that float around in my head so I'm back!

Let me introduce myself and the cast of characters around here.

I'm Dayle. Wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, avid reader, dog owner, and yet none of those things define who I am. Hell, I'm still learning who I am - so how can I tell you?

Palmer - he's my husband. My main squeeze. My best friend. The person who can annoy me the most. I love him dearly, but expect a lot of me making fun of him. Because he just provides so darn much blog fodder, how can I help it?

Tyler - My oldest son. We've been through a lot with him; he has had 6 surgeries and I'm always worried about him.

Kaitlyn - my daughter. The only girl. She's going to be the death of me.

Bryce - My next son. For the longest time he was the baby. He is the sweet one of the bunch. Always willing to help and keep the peace.

Izzy - my surprise baby! Eight years after my Bryce, he showed up and shocked us all. He's a joy and a delight.

As for my blog title. Well I'm a Las Vegas mom who just picked up her family and moved across country to Orlando. Talk about a culture shock.