I'm sorry, you must be confusing me for the maid we don't have

That's it!

I've had it!

I'm taking the day off!

I'm gonna see if anyone notices I didn't mop their stick off the floors.

I didn't wipe their toothpaste off the bathroom sink.

I didn't tidy their beds.

And I didn't pick up after their messy selves.

There has been a little to much taking mom for granted around here. The only one exempt from the mom strike is little Izzy who loves and appreciates everything I do; and shows it with lots of drooly slopply wet kisses, and the sweeties little baby hugs.

The rest of them can fend for themselves in their dirty squalled bedrooms.


Stella said...

Wow. This one I really get. Although your older two are younger than mine - and when mine were that age I did the same thing. I've pretty much stopped entering their bedrooms and I've noticed that the second I walk in to talk to them they start scurrying around picking things up like they are embarrassed. ;)

Ahhh, Izzy. Man, I almost miss baby kisses and baby gratitude. Except my last baby turned into Rowan and that pretty much cured any urges I had to procreate.

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