Them's some tasty legs!

I just chased Izzy down and licked frosting off of his chubby little baby leg...

It is far less cannibalistic than it sounds. I swear.

In an effort to get out of the friggen house before I go completely insane, um I meant to say...

In an effort to get out of the house and start meeting people, I signed up to take a cake decorating class at a local cupcake bakery. Besides a weekly chance to get out of the house, meet some very nice people, and a chance to partake in some very tasty cupcakes (nom nom nom), I am also learning a very handy skill. Or at least I hope it will be a handy skill. I do love to bake, so decorating the things I love to bake could be fun.

Each week we need to bring our own butter cream frosting to class. (yummm, butter cream). So today I whipped up a batch, dyed it blue for fun, and let Izzy lick the spatula. Something he has never gotten to do before. Instant hit!

But then I noticed a dab of blue on his leg after I washed him all off.

So, of course, I chased him down, scooped him up, and licked his leg.


Chickie said...

Buttercream frosting and baby legs: two great tastes that taste great together!

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