Our 20th class reunion is coming up this weekend. Actually it our 19th year, but they are combining 1990 and 1991. We are not going, because I am just to spending that much money to fly six of us back to the other side of the country to see people that I haven't seen in 19 years, and frankly didn't like that much back then anyway!
Palmer was all for us attending the reunion, even to the point of making it a cross country family trip in the car. Um... NO. Those people that matter to me, I am in touch with all the time and miles apart don't factor in. The other people whom I haven't seen since the 10 year reunion aren't all that important in the scheme of my life, and if I really wanted to see them, I'd just Facebook them. And honestly, I don't remember much about my 10 year reunion anyway because I was on deaths door step at the time anyway. (Seriously, I nearly died and ended up in the hospital for a long time - but that is another story for another day)
Palmer has always been the type of person that remembers people. He'll say to me "remember that guy that we met 18 years ago at the party hosted by some other guy, and you only met them for maybe 3 minutes and have never seen them since, and why don't you remember them, how could you forget?" Or maybe I'm paraphrasing. Anyway, the point is Palmer remembers people who never even made a blip on my radar. He can meet a person and is instantly friends with them and thus has great legions of friends spread out all over the world. I, on the other hand, have a handful of friends and take a long time to let anyone into my "inner circle", but once you are there - you pretty much are never gonna get out unless you turn out to be some huge douchepickle.
But all this reunion talk has got me thinking about how long ago it was that I was in high school. I remember when MY parents went to their 20th reunion, and they were OLD people at the time. I am certainly not OLD and therefore cannot possibly be having my 10th class reunion. Wow! Did you catch the slip? I am in such denial that I typed 10th class reunion. See - There is no possible way I could be ready for my 20th!
I wish I could have gotten out of there sooner!
Monday, September 27, 2010 -
so this is Florida
Continuing in my "Let me tell you about where I've been" line of postings, I would like to tell you about Wishes Brew tea house in Hunters Creek.
I found Wishes Brew on line before I even moved to Florida, so I was very excited to go and have a cup of tea. I am a tea lover, and love to sit down with a hot cup of fragrant tea. The whole tea experience tends to be calming and spiritual to me.
I thought it would a fun experience for grandma, daughter-in-law, and grand daughter to go and have afternoon tea together. When we arrived, we ordered our tea and some food. My mother in law chose to have a chicken salad a croissant, I chose the turkey and cheddar sandwish (yes, they call them sandWISHES, which I thought was a cute play on the name) and my daughter got the kids pizza. Because it was so unbelievable hot that day, my mother in law and I ordered our tea in iced tea form, while my daughter got the hot chocolate. That's Kaitlyn for you - gotta be different!
When the brought our drinks... one at a time... 20 minutes after we ordered them, the brought us hot tea. My mother in law sent hers back, but I elected to not fuss with it and just kept mine hot. The teas were very good, and so was the hot chocolate. I have zero complaints about the tea portion of our time there what so ever.
The service how ever left a lot to be desired. Just like the drinks, none of our food was delivered at the same time. There was at least 5 minutes between each of our plates arriving. My mother in law did not get the croissant she ordered with her salad, until her salad was almost gone. And yes, she reminded the server... TWICE. After delivering my mother in law her salad, they then told me that thy did not have any turkey. I said ham was fine, and my sandwish was good, but certainly nothing that I couldn't have made for myself at home, for far less expense. My daughter's pizza was just a simple frozen pizza that had been stuck in the microwave and warmed up. And it appeared to be as tasty as it sounds.
Twenty minutes after we had finished eating, and had sat there with dirty dishes in front of us, I asked our server for the bill.
and waited
and waited
and waited
Thirty minutes later, I asked again.
and waited
and waited
and waited
Finally I asked another person for my bill, and told him that if I didn't have in 5 minutes I was walking out with out paying. And presto! My bill appeared. I did not tip them at all, and I was sure to write on the receipt that the service was terrible, and took nearly 45 minutes after the 1st time I asked for my bill for it to be delivered, so that management was sure to know.
So, the tea list was amazing; the tea was marvelous; the decor was warm and friendly; and the food was acceptable. However, no matter how much I enjoyed the tea and would like to try some of their other flavors of tea, I will not return simply because the service was atrocious.
Just pick one, already!
Friday, September 24, 2010 -
All about me,
Clearly I need help,
Imaginary letters
My Dearest Mother Nature,
I thank you so much for giving me a wonderful world to live in. I am a huge fan of your fall collections! The colors, the cool air, the crisp evenings. I just love it all. It is very hard for me to criticize you. After all, you have been doing this job for many, many years. You know your stuff.
However.... (you just knew that was coming, didn't you?)
I am not a huge fan of the gray hair that I constantly need to cover up, when it is combined with a pimply breakout so massive, so huge, of such epic proportions, that even scrawny A/V club teenagers are shirking away from me in horror. I feel that I have indeed put in my "dues" and I can live with the gray hair, but I cannot tolerate the nasty pustule filled sores. I am no longer a teenager; I am in fact a decade or so past teenybopper, and there for demand that you take back the teen skin that you have cursed me with this past week.
Gary hair or pimples. You can have one. Not both.
Who vastly prefers gray over a pimply forehead.
Arabian Nights = family fun!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 -
so this is Florida
When my mother-in-law was here, I was looking for things to do that we could do with her, which would be fun for the whole family and not break the bank. While she may think we are made of money, my pocket account knows otherwi9se, so I was determined to seek out the biggest bang for my buck, while keeping everyone from age 1 to age 10 happy. Not an easy thing to do!
I had driven past the sign to Arabian Nights dinner show many times, and something in me decided to give them a look on line. Their website promised a fabulous dinner, and a thrilling show. It was enough to intrigue me! The prices ($30.00 - $50.00) was within my budget for a nights entertainment, so I thought "Hey! Lets give this a shot!"
We went for the VIP tickets which got us each a drink (beer/wine for the grown ups, and a much more tame soda for the kids) before the show while we waited in the VIP area. There was a great stage out front with acrobats performing to help pass the time, and it really kept all the kids happy. Then our VIP tickets got us down on the arena floor before the performance, where some of the staff members told us about each breed of horse used in the show, and other staff members brought the horses out. After the little "show and tell" of horses, they let us roam the arena floor and go up to each of the horses. We got to pet them, ask the handlers questions, and the kids even got to sit on one of the horses. Izzy was totally mesmerized by the horses. I have to tell you, this was my favorite part of the night! I kind of thought that Izzy would be my only issue with going to a dinner show. But he was so taken with the horses, that there was none of the usual baby "I have sat here long enough and I am not going to sit here any more" antics!
After the VIP part, we went up to our seat for dinner. Seating is long bench style stadium seating, so there really isn't a bad seat in the house. I can see how if you had a bad back, the lack of a seat back could be bothersome, but it didn't bother any of us at all. Dinner was not fabulous, but it was quite tasty, and the portions were good sized. Desert was very yummy, and it was great that they gave us plenty of food to feed the baby as well as ourselves.
But we didn't go for the food, we went to see the show. It was spectacular. When I call it mesmerizing, I truly mean that every one of us could not take our eyes off the horses and their riders. The tricks were amazing! Bare back riding! Acrobatics! Jumping through fire hoops! All of it was just breathtaking. I can only imagine the thrill the riders must feel being able to control such magnificent animals. Truly, it made me want to take up horse back riding!
All in all - it was a great show, and I can't wait to take my parents and grandparents when they come this winter.
**I have to admit, this is not my picture. My camera acted up so none of my pictures turned out as I had hoped they would. I freely admit to borrowing this one off the website. **
All better! I trimmed those frayed edges and I am back to my bouncy self! It is amazing what a day with the family at Disney World can do! See, it really is the Magical Kingdom! I thought for sure after chasing a toddler, a husband and 4 kids (yes 4 - Tyler brought his girlfriend Melissa with us) all over the park, I would be sore today. But, other than my arm muscle being a bit tight from doing a lot of Izzy holding, I don't have a sore spot on my body, not even my feet! Can I get a woot woot?
I'm very proud of Tyler. He was nominated to be a student ambassador next summer. We have completed the application process, and are waiting on the interview. But if he is finally selected, he will head to the UK next summer. He was the only student in his school nominated, and one of out of 100 in the entire Orlando area. It was not based on grades (thankfully - because he is not a straight A student), but based on merit, citizenship, and behavior. I knew he was a special kid, and it does my heart warm to know that others feel the same way!
Not to mention that it is nice to know that he behaves well when he is not under the watchful eye of his mom!
All morning long I have been rambling around, not feeling like doing any of my usual routine. I have things that I need to do each day to keep my house, my life, in order. Not to mention the outside work that I do to bring in a little income. I just can't seem to wrap my head around any of it today.
The thought that keeps coming to me is "frayed". I feel frayed around the edges. Just a little worn down, and no longer the crisp fresh person I was. Like all those tiny little things that really don't amount to much have slowly started to erode over time. Those itty bitty pieces just seemingly bump into to me, then fall off without seemingly have left a mark. But if you look close you will see that each one of those little life issues have taken out a small little chunk of me until I am just a soft blur, not the crisp focused person I used to be.
The thought that keeps coming to me is "frayed". I feel frayed around the edges. Just a little worn down, and no longer the crisp fresh person I was. Like all those tiny little things that really don't amount to much have slowly started to erode over time. Those itty bitty pieces just seemingly bump into to me, then fall off without seemingly have left a mark. But if you look close you will see that each one of those little life issues have taken out a small little chunk of me until I am just a soft blur, not the crisp focused person I used to be.
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