Just like Rubba!

All better! I trimmed those frayed edges and I am back to my bouncy self! It is amazing what a day with the family at Disney World can do! See, it really is the Magical Kingdom! I thought for sure after chasing a toddler, a husband and 4 kids (yes 4 - Tyler brought his girlfriend Melissa with us) all over the park, I would be sore today. But, other than my arm muscle being a bit tight from doing a lot of Izzy holding, I don't have a sore spot on my body, not even my feet! Can I get a woot woot?

I'm very proud of Tyler. He was nominated to be a student ambassador next summer. We have completed the application process, and are waiting on the interview. But if he is finally selected, he will head to the UK next summer. He was the only student in his school nominated, and one of out of 100 in the entire Orlando area. It was not based on grades (thankfully - because he is not a straight A student), but based on merit, citizenship, and behavior. I knew he was a special kid, and it does my heart warm to know that others feel the same way!

Not to mention that it is nice to know that he behaves well when he is not under the watchful eye of his mom!


Chickie said...

I wanted to not like Disney because it's just such a giant "thing" (like WalMart to me, in my mind), but I can't help it. I love the Magic Kingdom. And the awesome parade/light show they have at MGM Studios. I'm glad that it rejuvenated you!

Way to go Tyler! That is super cool.

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