Crabby is as Crabby Does

Yesterday was a very bad day for me. I was having a day where I was sick of staying at home, practically no contact with the outside world, since I had no internet. No one to call. I love my family, and I love being with them... but sometimes they are just to much, and I need to get out and not be "mom" all the time. Having gone through several years of pretty bad depression, I dread those days more than I can express. So when I have a bad day - I warn everyone off.

Hey, I'm crabby today so just stay out of my way and get along!

But the kids didn't want to listen. I told them when they got home from school it didn't seem to matter to them. Rather than jumping up and offering to help or taking my advise and getting out of my way, they just continued to cling on to me, or bicker with each other.

And it wasn't helped by Mr. Its-ok-for-me-to-be-a-crabby-dickhead-but-how-dare-you-be-anything-less-than-pleasant who asked me "Have I done something to piss you off? No? Then what the hell is your problem? If you are in such a bad mood, why don't you just go away."

Yes, that just sent me over the edge. He gets to go to work everyday. He gets to get out and talk to people, and see more than just this house. For pity sake - he can't stand to stay home one full day on his days off, yet he expects me to do it full time and never get bored of it.

I do love staying home, but some days I just need to see further than my mailbox.


Stella said...

"If you are in such a bad mood, why don't you just go away."


I'd be unbelievably pissed over that. Of course, I'm still pretty pissed because after the last big blow up I actually asked S.O. to READ something - he said he would and here we are weeks later he didn't touch it and we are back at the same problem. Him blowing up and it always being my fault.

Sorry to hijack your comments.

Chickie said...

I was in a shit mood the other day & warned Sweety. He too gets pissed because I don't "deserve" to have a bad mood.

Dayle Winnifred said...

Yeah - His comment just sent me over the edge. I told the kids to tell their father to put Izzy to bed when it was his bedtime, and I went upstairs to watch Glee.

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