I'm terminating our relationship

Dear Weatherman

Considering your grossly inaccurate forcasting skills and complete lack of regard for anything remotely related to the truth, I regret to inform you that I can no longer continue this toxic relationship.

Oh yes, I wanted to believe you. I wanted to do just what you said. "Today will be beautiful, the perfect day to spend outdoors, before the summer really hits" You said. I was seduced by your words. I thought, how can you, MY weatherman, lead me astray? Haven't you always had my very best weather well-being at heart?

So I planned my day.

I put on those cute denim capris that are a little warmer and less "breathing" than shorts

I went out to enjoy my day.

The day that YOU promised would be a perfect 92 degrees, with barely any humidity and not a drop of rain to pester those fluffy white clouds.

You. LIAR.

Those perfect clouds were black and heavy. That air that was supposed to remind me of my native DRY desert - was horrid, humid, and sticky

My cute denim capris - MISERABLE hot.

I listened to you, and you broke my heart... or at least made me break a sweat.

So screw you, Mr. Fox Weatherman.



Anonymous said...

I hate the weathermen. And weatherwomen. I hate the weather people period, because they only lie and get my hopes up that outside isn't surface of the sun hot rainforest in July humid.

Chickie said...

I have been in this godforsaken place for nine years and have not have one humidity free day.

London Escorts Agency said...

Why you want this?
can let me know in detail.

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