The Tail of Lizzy
This is my life, I swear to you, I could not make this up!
Reunion shmounion
I wish I could have gotten out of there sooner!
Just pick one, already!
Arabian Nights = family fun!

The thought that keeps coming to me is "frayed". I feel frayed around the edges. Just a little worn down, and no longer the crisp fresh person I was. Like all those tiny little things that really don't amount to much have slowly started to erode over time. Those itty bitty pieces just seemingly bump into to me, then fall off without seemingly have left a mark. But if you look close you will see that each one of those little life issues have taken out a small little chunk of me until I am just a soft blur, not the crisp focused person I used to be.
Coming back into the house I noticed some black hairy legs hanging over the top of the patio door. I slid it all the way open, and giant (ok, moderately big) hairy spider popped over the top at me. Ever since I found a spider here in the Florida with the body the size of my cell phone (kid you not! It would have given Godzilla a run for his money) I have had to readjust my descriptive of a giant spider. I have a thing about spiders - there is no such thing as a good spider - they all deserve to be squashed flat, generally while I am screaming and squealing like a little girl. The damn hairy beast is in an area I can't reach a shoe, and I sure as hell don't want him jumping down on me while I try to whack him. So I'm not doing anything about him... Except keep checking on the door to be DAMN SURE he is on the outside, and doesn't find some fiendish way to get over onto my side. I know I will have spider nightmares tonight. I already have a major case of "willies".
We are preparing to go on a little mini vacation. Five days at the beach. It should be fun, but the preparation is, of course, all on my shoulders. A family of six does not just up and leave. I have to plan 5 days worth of meals (we'll have a kitchenette, so we will be eating mostly at the resort), pack beach gear, pack groceries, pack clothes, get the dogs scheduled for boarding, AND still do my little part time work at home job, parent, clean, and all the zillion other things I do.
Frankly, I'm exhausted. And I just want to be left alone for a few hours.
(oh don't worry - I'm just having a poor me party - I'll be back to my Pollyanna self in a day or two. )
It is far less cannibalistic than it sounds. I swear.
In an effort to get out of the friggen house before I go completely insane, um I meant to say...
In an effort to get out of the house and start meeting people, I signed up to take a cake decorating class at a local cupcake bakery. Besides a weekly chance to get out of the house, meet some very nice people, and a chance to partake in some very tasty cupcakes (nom nom nom), I am also learning a very handy skill. Or at least I hope it will be a handy skill. I do love to bake, so decorating the things I love to bake could be fun.
Each week we need to bring our own butter cream frosting to class. (yummm, butter cream). So today I whipped up a batch, dyed it blue for fun, and let Izzy lick the spatula. Something he has never gotten to do before. Instant hit!
But then I noticed a dab of blue on his leg after I washed him all off.
So, of course, I chased him down, scooped him up, and licked his leg.
She's a lot like her mama.
This is my home. This is my weather. This is the place where our family will now write our story.
I haven't felt so "right" about anyting in a long time, as I do about making Florida our new home. It is not without its bumps in the road, but then there really are no "happily ever afters".
We are considering giving up one of our dogs. He's a husky chow mix, white and very beautiful. But we don't have a fenced back yard for him, and he must be on a chain if he is outside. That isn't good for him. And he is very protective over what he considers to be his. He took off after a little pomeranian the other day, and bit him, because the little guy dared to cross some invisible doggy line. We can't have him doing that. But once the shock of what happened wore off - Palmer and all the kids are right back in denial and think we should keep him. It is up to me to be the bad guy and find him a new home. It is going to make me one very unpopluar mother around here. But if Palmer won't do it, then I will put on the brass balls and get it done. One of us has to be the responsible one, and not let sentament about how much we love him get in the way.
I'm pretty sure Cinderella never had to worry about finding a home for the mice.
That is all.
We were going to head up north a bit to see Chickie and her family, but Mother Nature decided to cancel those plans for us. Rainy bitch.
So this was our 1st big holiday where the realiziaton of no family or friends nearby really hit home. I could tell that it really bothered Palmer, who has always been the more social of the two of us. And by bother him - I ment he was Crabby McCrabberson. He seemed to take each and every raindrop as a personal insult. So much so that by the time that we left to the local lake to maybe catch some fireworks - he was so grouchy, that for a few seconds I considered attaching him to several dozen fireworks, and launching him into space.
I know that the move is hard on all of us, and we are just really missing our Nevada friends, but this 4th wasn't much of a celebration at all.
There, now didn't that feel better?
Why, yes. Yes, it did.
Now that things are back to normal (or what passes for normal around here) I am spending the day baking cookies for the new neighbors who have moved in today a few houses down. I know that they are working their tushes off unloading the u-haul truck in a really hot and humid day. Wouldn't it be a nice treat to have a few homemade chocolate chip cookies dropped by?
Yeah, I thought so too.
It's very important to me that we go over and welcome the new neighbors to the 'hood, because when we moved in no one welcomed us. We have been here a few months, and we still don't know our neighbors. That is a complete turn around from Vegas, where we knew everyone in the neighborhood, and everyone was very friendly and welcoming. I'm not sure if it is just the neighbors around here of a southern thing, but we just haven't found a lot of friendly people around here.
And that is a sad thing. A very sad thing.
If you are reading this, send help in the form of pills, booze, ear plugs, what ever you got to help me get through the next two weeks.
Or else, I'm afraid I slowly descend into madness...
Ok, no slowly about it - I'm in a fast car and heading straight there.
I'm terminating our relationship
Considering your grossly inaccurate forcasting skills and complete lack of regard for anything remotely related to the truth, I regret to inform you that I can no longer continue this toxic relationship.
Oh yes, I wanted to believe you. I wanted to do just what you said. "Today will be beautiful, the perfect day to spend outdoors, before the summer really hits" You said. I was seduced by your words. I thought, how can you, MY weatherman, lead me astray? Haven't you always had my very best weather well-being at heart?
So I planned my day.
I put on those cute denim capris that are a little warmer and less "breathing" than shorts
I went out to enjoy my day.
The day that YOU promised would be a perfect 92 degrees, with barely any humidity and not a drop of rain to pester those fluffy white clouds.
You. LIAR.
Those perfect clouds were black and heavy. That air that was supposed to remind me of my native DRY desert - was horrid, humid, and sticky
My cute denim capris - MISERABLE hot.
I listened to you, and you broke my heart... or at least made me break a sweat.
So screw you, Mr. Fox Weatherman.
My imaginary business venture
After an extensive and exhaustive polling process (aka talking to my friend) we (well,I - but we sounds so much more official) have determined that your webinars are extremely dull and dry. But don't dispare! (a little added drama to get them on the hook) Dayle's Webinar Enhancement Services are here! (Catchy business title, no?) For a nominal fee (and by nominal I mean write me a great big fat check) DWES (hum, that sounds like a radio station. I may have to change the name) can enhance your webinars so that your target audience (my friend) is no longer disinterested (reduced to tears) about viewing your webinars. You may choose from one or more (more! Choose more! so I can charge more!) of the following webinar enhancements;
Fun narrator voices. (My hubby is pretty good at funny voices) Nothing says pay attention to me like a webinar read by Arnold Schwarzenegger, or a kooky french accent, or the sexy latin lover. Or even Elmer Fudd! After all the very word "webinar" is right up Elmer's alley.
Or you could have a host of fun animated characters (stick figures drawn by yours truly) who pop up from time to time during the webinar process. Perhaps a little mouse who will make fun balloon animals in the bottom corner of the screen. Or the bowlegged cowboy who swaggers across the screen just to shoot holes in the webinar. Or my favorite - the little old lady who give the finger (no doubt what your poor webinar viewers have wanted to do to you!)
Or the "sound enhancement" package, including farts, burps, and various other and sometimes unidentifiable body sounds (I intend to follow my sons around with a microphone... an hour should yield enough sounds for several webinars)
Dayle (who has way to much time on her hands, and should be cleaning rather than making up fake letters to companies)
I have visions of this summer being wonderful, with it being just the family. Of the kids finding out that their siblings can be friends too, and all of us swimming, and playing games, and watching cartoons together on the couch in a big puppy pile.
And maybe we will all start a singing group and I'll make us all matching outfits out of the curtains, and we'll be just like the VonTrapp family.
The reality is that they will be chomping at the bit soon to "go do something" because they are "bored" and there is "nothing to do".
Tyler constantly suggests that we go out to eat "as a family". I think he believes if he phrases his request as though he really wants to spend quality time with his family then we just can't resist. Somehow, I am supposed to believe that even though he was just fighting like cats and dogs with his sister, he really would like to break bread with her. Riiiiight. And it has nothing to do with the TGIFridays commercial he just watched.
But on the plus side, since he is always starving, he is interested in all aspects of food. It has been a wonderful chance to teach him how to plan meals, grocery shop on a budget, and cook. Oh, yes, the cooking! If I so much as rattle a pan, he pops his shaggy head into the kitchen and asks if he can help. This week alone I have taught him how to make biscuits, pound cake, and beef burgundy. I am proud to say that his cooking lessons have stuck with him. Last summer, when he spent some time with his Grandma and Papa, he wanted to make them a meal. So he went to the store, planned all his purchases (Grandma footed the bill of course) and made them dinner. He didn't take the easy road and make them hot dogs either. Nope my sweet boy made Pasta Carbonara with basil.
That's MY boy!
It is also sad, because I don't remember my 1st baby hugs from the big 3. Now granted, they are so much older than Izzy and time has passed; those little things get swept from your memories.
A friend asked me the other day how was it different now, being a mom of a baby in my 30's, as opposed to being a mom in my 20's. It is so much different. The 1st time around I was young and inexperienced. I was still learning who I was, and suddenly I had to learn who I was WITH children. I may have had more energy in my 20's, but I have so much more wisdom in my 30's. I am a completely different person, and have a much more relaxed approach to parenting than I did then.
The neat thing about there being 8 years between babies, it is like being a new mom all over again, with out the pressure, worry, and anxiety of being a new mom. Enough time has passed that the firsts are all new and exciting again.
I may not have planned Izzy, but I would never change having him for the world.
Hey, I'm crabby today so just stay out of my way and get along!
But the kids didn't want to listen. I told them when they got home from school it didn't seem to matter to them. Rather than jumping up and offering to help or taking my advise and getting out of my way, they just continued to cling on to me, or bicker with each other.
And it wasn't helped by Mr. Its-ok-for-me-to-be-a-crabby-dickhead-but-how-dare-you-be-anything-less-than-pleasant who asked me "Have I done something to piss you off? No? Then what the hell is your problem? If you are in such a bad mood, why don't you just go away."
Yes, that just sent me over the edge. He gets to go to work everyday. He gets to get out and talk to people, and see more than just this house. For pity sake - he can't stand to stay home one full day on his days off, yet he expects me to do it full time and never get bored of it.
I do love staying home, but some days I just need to see further than my mailbox.
Something happened this past weekend that has gotten me so livid, it has taken me this long to cool off to be able to write about it.
Some back ground 1st. When Palmer took the promotion that moved us to Orlando, he also got a raise. Just out of habit, we do not discuss financial issues with family. Especially things like salary. The moment he told his mother about the move, she began hinting around about how much he was making. Snide little comments like "You will have so much money now, that you won't know what to do with it all". Yes, Palmer makes good money. It allows us to live in a nice house (but not a grand house), it allows us to drive a nice car (but we only have one), and it allows me to stay at home with the kids (but I did work for years - and me staying home took us over a year of financial planning and cutting back - hence the one car!), and, lets not forget that we are raising 4 kids - which is not cheep! Oh yeah, and we do plan to actually retire someday! But as soon as we announced our move, she started planning her move in with us. NOT that she was invited. But all of a sudden she is now "going blind" (yet she continues to drive? I thought that for sure you couldn't drive if you were going blind) and she on the verge of dying of a heart murmur, (one that she has had all her life) and she outright TOLD us that we need to buy her a condo in Florida so she can be with us. All the while, she was bad mouthing us to her best friend, who happens to know my mother, and the best friend then proceeded to lecture MY mother on all the evils that Palmer and I do to MIL.
Oh yes, I have issues with MIL. They are many, and they are deep.
So anyway....
My MIL called Palmer on Sunday and told him "remember that TEN GRAND I loaned you - I need it back." Palmer and I were just floored. WHAT 10 grand? She said that she had 3 10K savings bonds from her mother, Palmer’s grandma. I know that was true. But she says that she cashed one and gave Palmer 5k and gave her sister, Palmers Aunt, 5k. Then a few years later, cashed one again - gave Palmer 5k, and gave Palmers Aunt the other 5. But I remember when she cashed one. She did give Palmers Aunt half, but she used the other half. Palmer and I never saw any of it, nor did we expect to. Get this... the 1st time she said she cashed one and gave Palmer the money... TWENTY FIVE years ago.
Yes, that's right.
That would make Palmer 12 when she supposedly gave him 5 grand. The second time was supposedly around 14 years ago. That would be right when
Excuse me BITCH, you call and want money, make up some cock and bull story to get it (or maybe in her mind she really thinks we did - that is always a possibility with her) and then slander my name? All this days before she is being flown out here on OUR DIME to come visit her grand kids???
I'm sorry, you must be confusing me for the maid we don't have
I've had it!
I'm taking the day off!
I'm gonna see if anyone notices I didn't mop their stick off the floors.
I didn't wipe their toothpaste off the bathroom sink.
I didn't tidy their beds.
And I didn't pick up after their messy selves.
There has been a little to much taking mom for granted around here. The only one exempt from the mom strike is little Izzy who loves and appreciates everything I do; and shows it with lots of drooly slopply wet kisses, and the sweeties little baby hugs.
The rest of them can fend for themselves in their dirty squalled bedrooms.
Bryce and Kaitlyn are laughing hysterically over (probably) nothing.
Palmer: Stop pointing and laughing at me! You're mother does that every time I'm naked!
Bryce and Kaitlyn: Even more hysterical laughing
When I was little, I had stunningly beautiful long blond ringlets. The kind that are glossy and bouncy, and complete strangers would come up just to touch my head, and spring my curls.
But somewhere along the way, my hair changed. It darkened to a blah brown, and my perfect ringlets became unruly, frizzy, and as I like to call it, Brillo pad head.
Add in gray hair, which we don't talk about and cover with hair dye the second they show their nasty gray heads... well - it is not pretty, let me tell you.
So now that I have added a climate with near constant humidity issues, I'm even frizzier.
Any brave hairdressers out there willing to take on a hot mess?
This isn't my 1st foray into the blogging world. It isn't even my second! But I just can't find myself staying away from writing the little things that float around in my head so I'm back!
Let me introduce myself and the cast of characters around here.
I'm Dayle. Wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, avid reader, dog owner, and yet none of those things define who I am. Hell, I'm still learning who I am - so how can I tell you?
Palmer - he's my husband. My main squeeze. My best friend. The person who can annoy me the most. I love him dearly, but expect a lot of me making fun of him. Because he just provides so darn much blog fodder, how can I help it?
Tyler - My oldest son. We've been through a lot with him; he has had 6 surgeries and I'm always worried about him.
Kaitlyn - my daughter. The only girl. She's going to be the death of me.
Bryce - My next son. For the longest time he was the baby. He is the sweet one of the bunch. Always willing to help and keep the peace.
Izzy - my surprise baby! Eight years after my Bryce, he showed up and shocked us all. He's a joy and a delight.
As for my blog title. Well I'm a Las Vegas mom who just picked up her family and moved across country to Orlando. Talk about a culture shock.